Gander Veterinary Clinic 709-256-3891

Dr. Gillian Gouchie


Dr. Gillian Gouchie
Dr. Gillian Gouchie Veterinarian

I was working in a frog lab and my boss at the time thought I would make a good veterinarian. I applied on a whim and Graduated as a Veterinarian from Atlantic Veterinary College of UPEI in 2012. I’ve also studied as a Veterinary Technician at Dalhousie, and did a 5-year Undergrad with honors in frog behavior and brain function.
I have a special interest in exotic pets and I also enjoy seeing and treating the big dogs that come in. I enjoy the orthopedic side of treatment, but really just love to see a big happy dog.

I like the fact that every day is a different day and working at the clinic is also great exercise as I am on my feet and moving around a lot.

A fun fact about me is I love frogs. My oldest firebelly is 19 years old. I also love turtles. So much so that one of the support staff made me a shirt to that effect.